Matas De Minas

Divided into 64 municipalities, the Matas de Minas region is in the macro region of eastern Minas Gerais. Its extension has different coffee production scenarios, with emphasis on altitudes, which can vary from 900 to 1,400 metres. All of this makes it possible to find different models within the region: small, medium and large producers; natural processing, pulped natural and washed... But one thing unites the Matas de Minas region, coffee production.

In regions above 1,000 meters in altitude, small-scale family coffee farming is the majority scenario. With the steepest relief, harvesting is carried out manually, or even selectively - in regions such as Caparaó, a micro-region located within Matas de Minas, altitudes can reach up to 1,400 meters. Added to the region's humid climate, several flowerings are recorded throughout the harvest, resulting in coffees with an interval of maturation, which are selectively harvested to ensure the best possible quality.

All this diversity results in a rich range of flavours in the cup: sweet coffees, with different citric notes, caramel and chocolate flavours. The acidity of the coffees is delicate and balanced, with long aftertaste.

  • FARM / MILL: Various small-holder producers 
  • REGION: Matas de Minas, Minas Gerais 
  • VARIETY: Yellow & Red Catuaí, Yellow & Red Catucaí, Yellow Bourbon, Caturra PROCESS: Natural ALTITUDE: 1000 – 1400 masl. 
  • HARVEST DATE: June – October 2023