Carmen Jansasoy

This week we head back to Colombia with another washed Caturra micro-lot.

Masses of fresh red berry notes reminding us of raspberry and strawberry, sugar cane and a delicious, juicy green apple sweetness and acidity.

Carmen was born and raised in the town of Aponte, Nariño where she remains today. Carmen is considered a social leader in her community and works with a range of coffee farmers to help them to improve their processes at their farms. These improved processes lead to an increase in the overall quality of the coffee being produced and allows farmers to access higher prices for their coffees.


  • Farm/Mill: FincaEl Guarango
  • Region: Buesaco, Nariño
  • Variety: Caturra
  • Process: Washed
  • Altitude: 1800-1850 masl
  • Harvest Date: October - December 2021
  • Roast Date: May 2022