El Naranja

Carlos Julio and Maria Isabel, his wife, are two passionate coffee producers who work with love and clear objectives. Maria Isabel comes from a coffee producing family and remembers returning from school to help her parents at home and with some tasks related to coffee. When she was 20 years old, she married Carlos Julio, and after 5 years of hard work they bought their own land to start their shared dream.

The farm they acquired, El Naranjal, already had some coffee plants, but they also planted other fruit trees. With time they decided to focus solely on coffee.

They were encouraged and motivated by a visiting coffee technician to participate in contests which they eventually did. This became an important step in their coffee production history, as since then, they have completely focused on producing high-quality coffee and participated in several contests over the years finishing on top at a national, department and municipality level.

Coffee has been their passion, which they have passed on to their children, who have also their own coffee trees. The daughter Laura works in coffee as a technician, advising producers.

  • Region: Ibague, Tolima 
  • Producer: Carlos Julio Diaz Peñaloza and Isabel Lopez 
  • Variety: Caturra
  • Process: Washed
  • Altitude: 1980masl
  • Harvest: August 2023