We take you to Thailand this week with an interesting lot from the Doi Pangkhon region of Chiang Rai. Doi Pangkhon has predominantly younger coffee farmers ranging from 25-35 years old, and with this we’re seeing a lot of innovation and rapid progression in terms of quality and infrastructure. This coffee has been naturally processed and showcases a lot of sweetness. Having been dried on bamboo beds and been processed rigorously through a destoner, huller, size grader, density table and ended with hand-sorting the lots are meticulous and produce a fantastic cup.
- Farm / Mill: Merlaeku Family
- Region: Doi Pangkhong, Chiang Rai
- Variety: Catuai, Typica, Chiang Mai & SJ133
- Process: Natural
- Altitude: 1250-1450 masl
- Harvest: March 2021
- Roast Date: June 2022