Don Mayo La Loma

Don Mayo is a mill synonymous with quality coffee. Buyers from around the world flock to secure lots each year, and we’re excited to have secured one. Finca La Loma is Hector Bonilla’s family farm, he’s been operating both the farm and the mill since 1994.

Having had control of the process from processing to milling, Hector is able to oversee each part of the process and ensure quality is maintained throughout. The mill also buys from local producers and sells them as individual micro-lots.

Back in 2005, Hector decided to renovate the mill and up scale production. This included adding silos for more storage, a new mechanical drier and more sun patios.

  • Region: Tarrazu
  • Producer: Hector Bonilla Family
  • Variety: Catuai
  • Process: Yellow Honey
  • Altitude: 1900masl
  • Harvest date: February 2021