Jhon Maicol Estrella

Jhon Maikol is a young coffee farmer who started working in coffee production in 2017. He was encouraged to grow coffee by his local coffee growing community and also because he witnessed a lack of specialty coffee production in Peru. Jhon Maikol believes that specialty coffee is the best path forward and provides an opportunity for him to support his family economically.

This coffee is harvested following strict ripeness criteria, later floated and hand-sorted to remove any defects. Cherries were exposed to 30 hours of underwater fermentation before being pulped. The parchment was gently washed and later dried under temperature-controlled conditions until ideal moisture content was achieved.

  • Region: La Coipa, Cajamarca
  • Producer: Jhon Maicol Estrella
  • Variety: Caturra & Typica
  • Process: Washed
  • Altitude: 1,700 masl
  • Harvest: August - September 2022
  • Roast Date: February 2023