Luis Anival Calderón

Luis Anival Calderón

Luis Anibal is a second-generation coffee grower born in Acevedo, Huila. When he turned 15, his father gifted him a small portion of land from which he was able to start saving some profits.

Luis Anibal was one of the first farmers in Huila to produce high-end micro-lots as well as master alternative processing methods such as extended fermentation, honey, and natural.

In harvest, he provides jobs to people around, having an economic impact on the community.

This coffee is harvested following strict ripeness criteria, later floated and hand-sorted to remove any defects. Cherries are exposed to 30 hours of underwater fermentation before being de-pulped. Parchment is gently washed and later dried under temperature-controlled conditions until ideal moisture content was achieved.

  • Farm/Mill: Villa Betulia
  • Region:Acevedo, Huila
  • Variety: Caturra
  • Process: Washed
  • Altitude: 1500 - 1600 masl
  • Harvest Date:May - June 2022
  • Roast Date: November 2022