Raised African bed with full of coffee cherries in greenhouse.

This coffee was carefully hand-picked to select only the ripest cherries and then hand-sorted to remove any defects. The coffee was sun-dried on raised beds in temperature-controlled conditions for 25-30 days, helping the sugars concentrate as moisture slowly evaporates.

Jose is a dedicated coffee farmer; he owns a 3-hectare farm located at 1800 m.a.s.l in Cajamarca. Jose focuses on producing high-quality coffee, caring for every pre and post-harvesting stage with dedication. He mainly grows Caturra and Red Bourbon. Careful processing and attention to detail optimize the Caturra and Bourbon he cultivates.

  • PRODUCER: Jose Angel 
  • FARM / MILL: unavailable 
  • REGION: San Ignacio, Cajamarca 
  • VARIETY: Red Bourbon 
  • PROCESS: Natural 
  • ALTITUDE: 1800 masl. 
  • HARVEST DATE: May – August 2023