Mouth-watering marmalade vibes and juicy blackcurrant flavours, with a jammy body. Look for cherry and vanilla notes as it cools.
Kainamui is situated in Ngariama location, Gichugu division of Kirinyaga County. It was established in 1963, on the flowing slopes of Mount Kenya. The Kainamui factory has 2000 members, 1200 of whom are men and 800 of whom are women. These producers are very small, owning to the average of only 200 trees The coffee is handpicked and delivered to the wet mill for pulping. This initially separates the dense beans from the immature ‘mbuni’s (floaters) by floatation which lets the denser beans sink and later sent through channels to the fermentation tank. Kainamui coffee factory has maintained an incredible standard of production, both in terms of quality and quantity. Patrick Njogu runs the management at Kainamui, along with his unmatched team. They ensure all the coffee processes run smoothly and diligently. Their responsibilities include weighing the received coffee, hand-picking, green grading, storage, transportation, training, paying and addressing farmer complaints.
- Farm/Mill: Kainamui Coffee Factory
- Region: Kirinyaga County
- Variety: Ruiru 11, SL34, Batian
- Process: Washed
- Altitude: 1,650 masl
- Method: V60
Dose: 15g
Water: 250ml/96°C
Time: 3-4 mins
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In line with the rising awareness on environmental conservation, the factory has dug wastewater soak pits away from the water source where the wastewater is allowed to soak in back to the soil. The management also actively encourages tree planting among its members to enhance the bio-diversity in their communities.