A complex flavour profile which is fruit forward with blackcurrant, lime, tropical fruit acidity and a baking cocoa finish.
Our Organic Blend is created from three certified organic co-operatives in Colombia, Guatemala and Sumatra.
Organic coffee farming invests heavily in sustainability, environmental care and farm management.
By not using pesticides, herbicides and other toxic ingredients in the organic farming practice,there is a key focus on soil health. Coffee is grown under lush shade canopies, creating habitats for native and migratory bird species, promoting biodiversity and fostering healthy ecosystems.
- Region
- Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Anei Co-op, Colombia
- Huehuetenango, Guaya’B Co-op, Guatemala
- Bener Meriah, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Kokowagayo Co-op, Sumatra
- Variety
- Colombiana, Typica
- Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra, Typica
- Catimor Jaluk, Gayo 1 & 2, S. Lini, P88
- Process
- Fully washed
- Fully washed
- Wet Hulled
- Espresso Recipe
- Dose: 18g
Yield: 38g
Time: 25-30 secs
To find the method that suits your kit, check out our Brew Guides.
The current Organic blend is made up from the following range of single origin coffees:
Colombia, Guatemala and Sumatra