Huila Reserve

We have been working in Huila since 2016. This Huila Reserve program encourages farmers to improve the quality of the coffee they produce through improved farming practices and is rewarded for their efforts with better premiums. All the selected farmers in our program deliver their coffees directly to our collection warehouse in Huila.

The coffees are then carefully assessed to ensure they fulfil all the requirements in terms of grading and quality. Every lot is cupped separately and then are blended depending on the characteristics of each one. Once coffees are approved by our quality control team, farmers are paid the next day for their coffees. This lot is composed by smallholders from Isnos, Pitalito, Acevedo, Iquira, Palermo, La Plata, Oporapa and La Argentina, Huila. The average size farm is 2 hectares.

  • PRODUCER: Small holder producers
  • REGION: Huila
  • VARIETY: Caturra, Castillo, Tabi
  • PROCESS: Washed
  • ALTITUDE: 1500-2100 masl
  • HARVEST DATE: August 2023